Keep Up With Healthy Habits Over The Holidays

Have you ever found yourself wishing someone “happy holidays” while you feel anything but happy inside?  If so, you’re definitely not alone. While there are certainly many reasons to be joyful at this time of year, it’s also a busy and stressful time. Plus, many of us struggle with comparisons of the perfectly festive things […]

10 Ways You Can Optimize Your Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is a concept used to help us enhance our thought patterns and overall mental and cognitive well-being. Just as the body can be strengthened through physical exercise, our minds too can be made more resilient through conscious training and healthy lifestyle practices. By developing an awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we […]

The Gut-Brain Axis and Its Impact on Your Mental Health

Recent years have seen a growing awareness of mental health issues, and, thankfully, more open conversations about addressing psychological challenges. However, many people remain unaware of new, exciting research on the connection between gut health and mental health. The connection between your digestive system and your brain can have a profound influence on your mental […]

Strategies to Reduce Stress and Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for joy, togetherness, and celebration – but also stress. Despite the festive, happy images we are bombarded with in the media, many people find the holidays a difficult time. Financial pressures, loneliness, shorter and darker days are just some of the factors that contribute to a rise in depression and anxiety during […]

Build a Solid Foundation with Healthy Habits for a Healthy Brain

We tend not to think very much about our brain when we’re young. That might be a bit of a philosophical conundrum (can a brain think about itself?), but it also can carry unfortunate repercussions down the road. It’s important to build a strong foundation of brain health for better aging, both physically and mentally. […]